Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Facing This Life

Assalamualaikum and Hello. How are you guys? Hope u are doing fine. Dont wanna ask me back? OK nak bgtau jugak huhu *come n slap me* I'M NOT DOING FINE for crying out loud *suddenly crying*. Ok as u guys never know, i've been suffering this skin disease called Eczema (go google it.jgn nk mls sgt.buktikan melayu boleh!!! tolong) But WARNING! Jgn tgk gmbr la sbb gmbr semua tnjuk kes teruk teruk, mine x lah seteruk tu. And penyakit ini xberjangkit ok, nnt kang ada yg ckp, "eeee.budak tu ada kurap,lari-lari!!!aaa!!!" *berlari smbil buat muka geli pastu terlanggar dinding pastu padan muka*  Saya xlah se-kronik mcm tu. Cuma yg saya suffer sekarang adalah masalah x boleh tidur disebabkan kegatalan badan tahap petala ke-8. Saya perlu pantang mkn mcm mcm, contohnya seafoods, ayam dan sebagainya. Andai kata sy melanggar pantang larang tersebut, hatta sy akan menerima padahnya iaitu GATAL SAMPAI MERANA X BOLEH TIDUR muahahahahahaha *nada penuh kejahatan* Nak tahu mcm mn rasanya? Ok korang sedang kegirangan nk tidur ni, tadah tgn baca doa terus aaamiinnnnnnnnn. Semangat baring, dah pejam mata smbil tersenyum teringat dating ngn boyfriend pastu ada pondan datang promote periuk tahan lasak -__-" damn. Tetiba gatal kat kaki, n then kat perut, n then serang kat blakang pulak, tergedik gedik ats katil tu smpai adik korang fedap trus tendang korang jatuh katil hahah.Atau mungkin halau keluar bilik? Siapa tahu? Ok seriously man, mcm nk nangis ada jugak, bukan ms tidur ja, ms tgh menulis ni pon satu bdn gatal. Mcm mcm dah buat, telan ubat tahan gatal but still not working, mandi pkai sabun Lifebuoy Antibac plg kuat tp xberkesan jugak. Yang lg teruk, masa dlm klas or study dlm bilik or even exam, gatal satu bdn ni xpernah berhenti rasa jeles dgn aku smpai roomates aku smua mcm, "man! what the hell r u doing?!" *buat nada negro* Well, all i have to do now is just accept and face it la. Maybe for the rest of my life bcause there's no specific treatment fr eczema.

Korang bleh try link kat bwh ni, apa yg dia tulis tu exactly the same with what i'm facing now,

So that's all untuk luahan kali ini, goodbyeeeeee :D

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hey World. I'm back

Assalamualaikum n Hello people! I'm sorry for being away all this while. Too much things to be settled especially the preparations for my brother's wedding. Everything went very well. Alhamdulillah, my 2nd brother have finally bcome a husband. Both of them work as doctors, so i think they might have a good chemistry and all the best for them. Well, i got another good news, wanna know? enlarge the picture below. All i can say is, Alhamdulillah once again :) This is what i want all!

so thats all.congrats to all my friends yg also got USM. yg x dpt, tnggu UPU nnt! sure dpt. All the best u guys,keep praying.insyaAllah dpt. i will upload my brother's wedding pictures later okkai. see u guys. Assalamualaikum.